Overcome adversity and thrive - empower a crisis-affected child in Gaza for just €80.
Build a brighter future for a crisis-affected child in Yemen today. For just €70, you can send a child in Yemen back to school with the essential tools they need.
Provide the resources needed for a child to learn in Syria today. For just €40, you can send a crisis-affected child in Syria back to school with the essential tools they need.
It looks like you’re located in Belgium. Would you like to visit your local Human Appeal website?
Il semble que vous soyez situé(e) en Belgique. Souhaitez-vous consulter le site Internet Human Appeal de votre région ?
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Parece que te has conectado desde España. ¿Deseas que te mostremos la página web de Human Appeal España?
It looks like you’re located in France. Would you like to visit your local Human Appeal website?
Il semble que vous soyez situé(e) en France. Souhaitez-vous consulter le site Internet Human Appeal de votre région ?
It looks like you’re located in Ireland. Would you like to visit your local Human Appeal website?
It looks like you’re located in the Middle East. Would you like to visit your local Human Appeal website?
أهلًا بك! نحن سعداء بزيارتك لكن يظهر لدينا أنك من المنطقة العربية ،هل تفضل أن ننقلك لموقع هيومان أبيل العربي؟ - سنسعد بكم هناك-
It looks like you’re located in the United Kingdom. Would you like to visit your local Human Appeal website?
It looks like you’re located in the United States. Would you like to visit your local Human Appeal website?